Welcome to Lamset Shefa, in English, The Curing Touch Consultative Clinics. My home would also be only a floor away from my work place. Pretty good deal I tought to myself. I was led to my 1-studio bedroom, to rest. But I really couldn't so I looked around to see my bed, my very own nook in the kingdom

My bed had a mattress that needed change, my desk was with a chair which needed some cushioning. Otherwise, this was my bed to sleep for the night, still alone and good enough.
The bed I thought was even nicer than the one I had at home. But of course, the warmth and coziness was not there.
The desk, good enough for me to study in for my dental licensure exams, big enough for all my papers and books to be placed in.

At the foot of my bed was my dresser and a cabinet for my clothes.
I though to myself, where would I hang my wet clothes after laundering? Also thought what would I place in my dresser...this eventually became my pantry as you see it.
As for my clothes, no problem as I was to wear scrubs to work and a lab coat over it.

At the right side of my bed would be my dining table and refrigerator. Happy to see that my ref had fruits and some cheese in it. Not to worry because I myself brought from home some corned beef and SPAM in cans and even a can opener all for myself.
I would learn to love fresh mango and orange juice and the flat bread you see on the table, a staple on my table which sometimes I would even make into a pizza pie. The bread would cost about P12 for 5 pieces of 12 inch round flat bread - a bargain, the 1.5 liter juice about P36 - for its freshness, only a fourth of what it would cost here at home.

On the right of my dining table would be my small kitchenette. They would laugh at me for bearing that small stove but for an amateur cook like me, many delicious meals have been born from this. My microwave oven was seldom used. I would experiment on a lot of new dishes, not for hunger sake, but for the sake of doing something other than work. My pantry of condiments which consisted mainly of suka and toyo eventually grew to host other condiments I was to discover in the kingdom.

And here is my washroom and dirty kitchen. In front of which would be my bathroom which I forgot to take a pic of.
I was thankful that I had most of what I needed and more, thinking that I would be living alone here all by myself. A big part of me welcomed the thought and perhaps even got very excited at the chance of taking care of myself.

Coming home at 3 am I woke up at almost noon, very hungry and suddenly looking for my family, the ready breakfast on the table then being hit by the, BIG "H" word. I decided to call my parents back home and tell them I was safely tucked in my own little home in the kingdom.My tiny palace I would, for 2 years, call home.
The Queen in her new home.